Episode 008: Doctor, Heal Thyself. Physicians Dealing with Malpractice, Depression, & Suicide with Dr. Stacia Dearmin
Episode 008: Doctor, Heal Thyself. Physicians Dealing with Malpractice, Depression, & Suicide with Dr. Stacia Dearmin
The mental health of the physician is a rarely discussed topic when addressing the problems in medicine. One unique stressor facing physicians is malpractice litigation. Its occurrence is so common and the length of the process so long that estimate that 10% of physicians are in the litigation process at any one time. Coincidentally, the self reported incidence of physicians admitting to suicidal ideation in a year is 7% - twice the rate of the general population!
Dr. Stacia Dearmin is a pediatric ER physician experienced a malpractice suit lasting three years and going to trial. Unlike most physicians, however, she decided after it was done to set out and talk about her thoughts and emotions in an effort to begin a discussion. She is now dedicated her time outside of her work as a physician to starting this dialogue to help physicians cope and deal with the trauma of malpractice litigation.
In this discussion, Eric and Stacia explore her story, shocking statistics about the mental health of physicians, and her vision to end the silent suffering of so many of our colleagues. We also discuss the powerful concept of the second victim which is in reference to the one who suffers not the actual harm but whose actions may have led to the harm itself. This episode is a must listen for anyone who knows a physician who has been sued or the people they touch in their lives. Through understanding, discussion, and resources we can help our colleagues, friends, and family deal with this.

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show notes
Thrive: Insight, Education, Support: A home for physicians for physicians facing malpractice litigation. This is Dr. Dearmin's main website to contact her for speaking engagements, suggestions about additional resources for helping, and all the resources for physicians when facing malpractice litigation.
An Introduction to Medical Malpractice in the United States: Clinical Orthopedics 2009. (link to then request full article from the authors)
Malpractice Risk According to Physician Specialty: New England Journal of Medicine, 2011
When Good Doctors Get Sued. Book Resource recommended by Dr. Dearmin
Great inexpensive resource for any physician entering the litigation process either for him/herself or for others recommended by Dr. Dearmin.
An excellent resource by experienced pilot Sidney Dekker describing the second victim phenomena discussed during the interview.
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Great episode. First heard about you in TWE’s group and now am turning into a regular listener. As a real estate lawyer who went through the 2008 crash and saw my clients’ businesses destroyed as well as my own, I can relate to the shell shock of the experience of wanting to help people but not being able to do so. I think Dr. Dearmin touched on something important near the end. There are those of us who choose to be in professions where we can do a great deal to help people. It is incredibly painful and humiliating to not be able to help when it is most needed. Also, lawyers don’t talk about their failures either.
Thanks for your comment. I’m sure things are similar in the field of law as far as the second victim discussion goes. I also found the second victim concept very interesting. Thanks so much for listening and sharing the show.