Episode 032: Is Dead, Dead? Is Brain Death, Death? A Discussion With Dr. Alan Shewmon
Episode 032: Is Dead, Dead? Is Brain Death, Death? A Discussion With Dr. Alan Shewmon

show notes
The Curious Case of Jahi McMath- Dr. Shewmon's discussion and evidence from his review of the case of the young girl. His discussion begins at the 41:35 mark.
What Does it Mean to Die? An article from the New Yorker regarding the case of Jahi.
Episode 017: The practice of forced organ harvesting in China where they don't bother to determine whether someone has an irreversible loss of brain function - they execute the donors.
Memorial for Andy Larson: This is the donation link to honor Andy's death with the Grand Rapids Choir of Men and Boys where he blossomed and served as a head chorister.
YouTube for Paradocs: Here you can watch the video of my late son singing his solo on the Paradocs YouTube page.
Patreon - Become a show supporter today and visit my Patreon page for extra bonus material. Every dollar raised goes towards the production and promotion of the show.
After listening to this episode, I had to become a patron because I needed to pay you for your patience with your guest. It was a difficult topic and a difficult guest and you did a great job. You don’t need to post this if you don’t feel it’s appropriate. I think if he had been my professor, I would have needed regular cattle prodding to stay awake. Please do not take this as criticism of your show! I love your podcast and appreciate your efforts.