Episode 048: Bringing Markets to Medicine with Health Sharing Ministries. A Discussion with Matt Bellis of Liberty Health Share
Episode 048: Bringing Markets to Medicine with Health Sharing Ministries. A Discussion with Matt Bellis of Liberty Health Share

show notes
Liberty Health Share: Founded in 1995, Liberty Health Share has been serving people all over the country in helping them meet their health care needs by helping each other.
@sharingLHS: Where Liberty does its twittering
Facebook for Liberty Health Share
Episodes on Direct Primary Care: Episode 002 Amat, Episode 004 Savage, Episode 034 Gross
Memorial for Andy Larson: This is the donation link to honor Andy's death with the Grand Rapids Choir of Men and Boys where he blossomed and served as a head chorister.
YouTube for Paradocs: Here you can watch the video of my late son singing his solo on the Paradocs YouTube page.
Patreon - Become a show supporter today and visit my Patreon page for extra bonus material. Every dollar raised goes towards the production and promotion of the show.