Episode 080: Can You Make Vaccinations Mandatory? Appearance on Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Snarkiness
Episode 080: Can You Make Vaccinations Mandatory? Appearance on Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Snarkiness
After successfully avoiding the topic of vaccines which I don't find particularly interesting I was asked to appear on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Snarkiness to discuss the intersection of vaccinations and personal liberties. Although this isn't exactly what we usually discuss on the show, it certainly does address important and often complicated issues related to the role of government, physicians, and patients.
Aaron Pomerantz is the host and a psychologist who wrestles with these issues commonly on his show. He looks to try and find the place where our personal liberties intersect and/or butt up against each other. What is the government's role when rights conflict? In fact, do you have a right to have another vaccinated?

show notes
Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Snarkiness
Aaron Pomerantz on Twitter: @libertysnark
Episode 078: My recent discussion on cyber attacks from anti-vaccine advocates.
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