Episode 017: Forced Organ Harvesting - A Modern Day Chinese Human Atrocity. Discussion with Dr. Ann Corson.
Episode 017: Forced Organ Harvesting - A Modern Day Chinese Human Atrocity. Discussion with Dr. Ann Corson.
If you knew that millions of people were being murdered by government in the world what would you do? If you found out these people were being murdered for 'spare parts' to be sold to the highest bidder - what would you do? These are the questions we have to ask ourselves as we look at the practice of involuntary organ harvesting occurring in China to this day.
My guest is Dr. Ann Corson who serves as the newsletter editor for Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting. She is a family physician in Pennsylvania who has joined physicians from around the world to advocate an end to the practice of murdering people for their organs. Transplant surgeons from prominent US university hospitals serve on the board alongside Dr. Corson as they search for ways to spread the message of the atrocities that are happening in 2018.
Through my research on this topic it seems clear that not only has China sanctioned the murdering of millions of its political prisoners (most who were engaged in a peaceful spiritual practice called Fulan Gong) but they are still engaged in it today. Basic human decency should lead all of us to condemn and end this practice.
This week's episode is dark and disturbing but critically important that we spread the message. Whether that is sharing this episode, referring people to the websites listed below, talking to your political representatives, or engaging in your church - we need to do whatever we can to stop the Chinese government.

show notes
Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting: This is the physician organization working to end forced organ harvesting which Dr. Corson is a member. Lots of great links to evidence and news about this practice.
South Korean News Video: The English version of the recent South Korean investigative video about Koreans still traveling to China to get organ transplantation despite Chinese insistence that the practice no longer continues.
Stop Organ Harvesting: Another organization seeking to expose and tell more people about what is happening in China. Some great links about the Falun Gong who were targeted for persecution.
Summary of International Actions: This is a great handout which shows both international and US State resolutions passed in opposition to the Chinese practice of forced organ harvesting.
A great collection of more evidence of what the Chinese are doing.
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4): He has been working to raise awareness in the US House about China's forced organ harvesting.
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