Episode 099: Myocarditis in Asymptomatic COVID-19 Isn't Real with Dr. Rohin Francis
Episode 099: Myocarditis in Asymptomatic COVID-19 Isn't Real with Dr. Rohin Francis
Okay, so today's title to the show is a little provocative. But it's meant to convey the most important takeaway from the discussion. Although there has been a lot of talk over the last few weeks about the occurrence of lingering myocarditis in patients who have recovered from COVID-19 and in athletes who had an asymptomatic infection, it's important that we cut through the hysteria. Even though inflammation or scarring was seen on extremely sensitive cardiac MRI scans - this does not mean that there will be lasting or debilitating heart disease in these people in the future.
To explain the controversy, I brought Dr. Rohin Francis onto the show. He is an interventional cardiologist from London who is getting his PhD in cardiac MRI. He runs the Medlife Crisis YouTube page where he goes in depth in this and other controversies in medicine. It is true that one cannot in medicine say anything is definitively true - it is probably safe to say that the findings here suggest that there is nothing special to worry about with myocarditis and COVID-19.
One of the most important details that is lost in all the headline writing about myocarditis is that if you are asymptomatic (from a heart standpoint) you don't have myocarditis. We don't have any idea what the clinical significance of the findings on cardiac MRI suggestive of inflammation or scarring are. In fact, these same findings are sometimes present in elite athletes who are without disease or who have recovered from common viruses like a cold.
This is not to say that myocarditis or heart failure isn't a problem in those afflicted with COVID-19. That is a real problem and can cause morbidity and mortality. However, it is important to separate those who have this non-clinical finding on a sensitive cardiac scan versus those who had clinical manifestations of heart disease. And although we can't definitively say that there will be no long term consequences from an asymptomatic COVID-19 infection it is probably safe to say that it is very unlikely.

show notes
Episode 099: Current Episode
COVID: Where Science Goes to Die: This is the video on MedLife Crisis where Dr. Francis discusses the lack of good science on COVID-19.
Medlife Crisis: Dr. Francis' website.
Medlife Crisis YouTube Channel: This is the excellent channel that Dr. Francis runs.
@MedCrisis: Dr. Francis' twitter feed.
Episode 096: Fron Pandemic to Endemic - How COVID-19 Will Get There
Episode 095: Is Herd Immunity Here for COVID?
Episode 091: COVID, Immunity, and Back to School
Episode 090: The history behind Hydroxychloroquine
Episode 087: The Deception on the Coronavirus from our Leaders
Episode 086: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Ends
Samaritans Health Sharing Ministry: This is the ministry we use. Feel free to mention my name if you sign up - not sure if that helps you or not.
Made Simply Web Site Creations: This is the great, affordable website service that built my wife's podcast site. I cannot recommend this company more to someone looking for creating a website.
Always Andy's Mom: Home of my wife, Marcy's, podcast for parents grieving or those looking to help them.
YouTube for Paradocs: Here you can watch the video of my late son singing his solo on the Paradocs YouTube page.
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On iTunes E099 is a copy of E098 and E089 is a copy of E088
Should be fixed.