Episode 031: Direct Primary Care for Pediatrics with Dr. Nitin Gupta

Episode 031

The Paradocs Podcast

Episode 031: Direct Primary Care for Pediatrics with Dr. Nitin Gupta

Episode 031: Direct Primary Care for Pediatrics with Dr. Nitin Gupta
Direct Primary Care (DPC) is starting to gain some steam and popularity with established physicians, residents, and medical students. Patients are also beginning to learn about this alternative to traditional insurance based care. Instead of copays, deductibles, and limited visits and times with the physicians - DPC works as a monthly fee with unlimited access to the physician.
Dr. Nitin Gupta is a board certified pediatrician who is beginning this journey with his patients by launching a new practice in Westchester County, New York. Instead of focusing on pleasing the insurance company and meeting their metrics and quality measures - he is focusing on his patients and what they need. This turns the traditional way of practicing medicine with a third party paying on its head.
In fact, Dr. Gupta does most of his patient visits in their own homes! Imagine having the pediatrician coming to your home when you child is sick or needs vaccines. They would be tremendously more comfortable in their own environment. Dr. Gupta describes that many of his patients don't even know that he is a doctor.


The biggest impediment to starting a pediatrics practice is creating a market by getting patients to understand an alternative way to be seen. Will parents be willing to experience medicine in a different way? Only time will tell but I suspect they embrace it.

Dr. Gupta is a pediatrician who has launched a new type of practice for seeing children. He is starting a direct primary care membership method of seeing his patients and not taking insurance.


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Rivertowns Pediatrics - Dr. Gupta's website where he describes his fee schedule, practice, and services he provides for his patients and their families.

Facebook: Facebook site for Dr. Gupta's practice

Episode 002:  How Direct Primary Care Made Me Love Medicine Again & Less Cranky with Dr. Belen Amat

Episode 004: A Step-by-Step Guide in How to Start a Direct Primary Care Practice with Dr. Chad Savage.

Episode 028: A Deep Dive Into Who Today's Doctors Are - What makes doctors tick? What do they want?

Memorial for Andy Larson: This is the donation link to honor Andy's death with the Grand Rapids Choir of Men and Boys where he blossomed and served as a head chorister.

YouTube for Paradocs: Here you can watch the video of my late son singing his solo on the Paradocs YouTube page.

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