Episode 039: Is Mental Health Broken? A Discussion with Counselor Michael DeVine

Episode 039

The Paradocs Podcast

Episode 039: Is Mental Health Treatment Broken? A Discussion with Counselor Michael DeVine

Episode 039: Is Mental Health Treatment Broken? A Discussion with Counselor Michael DeVine
If there were a conventional treatment for a disease in a traditional medical practice that worked only 10% of the time or less - would anyone feel comfortable claiming it was a fantastic cure? I suspect not, yet those abysmal successful treatment numbers are present in some areas of the mental health arena when it comes to addiction treatment. However, you almost never hear about the failure of the 12 step programs or outpatient treatment plans and their high failure rate. Why is that?
To get to the bottom of this question I invited Mr. Michael DeVine, a licensed counselor in private practice in Ohio who was willing to discuss the successes and frequent failures within the mental health sphere. His podcast, the Gray Matters Radio Podcast, is his vehicle for discussing all manner of issues facing America with a focus on being nonpartisan and having honest conversations. Today's discussion is honest as we try to explore the problems patients and practitioners face in mental health.
As usual, when broaching any topic this large, we are only able to scratch the surface on the systemic problems in solving America's mental health crisis. In this episode we discuss the failure of conventional and unconventional treatment modalities for addiction health, the shortages of options for most mental health disorders, and the trouble with access to the treatments that people need.
Finally, Michael considers the changing nature of adolescent and college age adult problems that he sees including a loss of men having adequate coping skills because of the social stigma of 'toxic masculinity'. He states that the empowerment of women is a great thing but worries if it has come at the expense of preventing men an effective way to move throughout the world and just be men.
Michae l DeVine is a licensed counselor in private practice and the host of the Gray Matters Radio Podcast. He describes himself as part of the radical center and seeks to spark conversations with people of all sorts of different viewpoints to reach real solutions.




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Michael DeVine Counseling: Michael's personal private practice

@graymattersrdio: Twittering for Michael DeVine

Gray Matters Radio Podcast: The home page for Michael DeVine and his Gray Matters Podcast.

Gray Matters Radio Episode 21: We Do the Unthinkable and Talk to an Actual Doctor to Find Out Why Health Care is Broken - Starring Eric Larson, MD

Episode 030: The Epidemic of Physician Suicide with Dr. Pam Wible

Episode 009: Doctor, Heal Thyself with Dr. Stacia Dearmin examining the relationship with physician suicide and malpractice.

Memorial for Andy Larson: This is the donation link to honor Andy's death with the Grand Rapids Choir of Men and Boys where he blossomed and served as a head chorister.

YouTube for Paradocs: Here you can watch the video of my late son singing his solo on the Paradocs YouTube page.

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