Episode 086: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Ends with Dr. David Graham

Episode 086

The Paradocs Podcast

Episode 086: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Ends with Dr. David Graham

Episode 086: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Ends with Dr. David Graham

Now that we are over a month into the variable stay at home orders in the United States for the coronavirus it is probably a good time to reflect and guess as to how this all unfolds. Today I interviewed infectious disease specialist Dr. David Graham. Dr.Graham lives in Billings, Montana and provides a perspective on the pandemic that I had not yet heard. He suggests that at the forefront of this nationwide panic is that our media and government are not being honest with us.

Specifically, he states that the CDC, FDA, and government officials are not being frank with the goals of the stay at home and reopening process nor with how best to protect ourselves. Officials are often making decisions based on gut instinct rather than data and politicization of the stay at home orders has made a sensible step back from safety measures difficult to implement.

The question on everyone's mind right now is how and when does this end? As for when, Dr. Graham suggests it will be 4-5 years before things return to a pre-pandemic level of activity. But even then perhaps life will seem very different and foreign to us today. In the meantime there will be no large gatherings - sorry sports fans and concert goers - and mundane activities like singing in choir will be suppressed.

To answer the question of how the pandemic ends will be one of two ways. Either we do a slow burn for years preventing our health system from being overrun with exponential growth until the virus becomes like a common cold or someone develops some novel viral medication or cure that is currently unknown. Personally, he suspects that it will be the medicine to end all future pandemics but there is no way to predict how or what that is.

When it comes to humanity versus the virus Dr. Graham suggest we lay our money down on humanity overcoming this new obstacle and flourishing again.


Dr. David Graham is an infectious disease physician in practice in Billings, Montana. He also runs the FI Physician website where he serves as a finance coach for physicians.



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show notes

Financial Independence Physician: This is the personal website for Dr. Graham where he writes about finances and, more recently, the coronavirus and various responses to it by governments.

Montana Reopen a Wreck: This is the piece Dr. Graham wrote about regarding Montana's closing plan and now their reopen plan.

How does your state reopen plan rank?: Self explanatory piece by Dr. Graham.

MIT Paper on Sneezing: This pretty much debunks my previous claim about the six foot rule.

Episode 085: What Michigan is doing wrong during the pandemic response and what it should do.

Episode 084: The bungling of the outbreak with Michel Accad.

Episode 083: Surviving coronavirus without health insurance.

Samaritans Health Sharing Ministry: This is the ministry we use. Feel free to mention my name if you sign up - not sure if that helps you or not.

Made Simply Web Site Creations: This is the great, affordable website service that built my wife's podcast site. I cannot recommend this company more to someone looking for creating a website.

Always Andy's Mom: Home of my wife, Marcy's, podcast for parents grieving or those looking to help them.

YouTube for Paradocs: Here you can watch the video of my late son singing his solo on the Paradocs YouTube page.

Patreon - Become a show supporter today and visit my Patreon page for extra bonus material. Every dollar raised goes towards the production and promotion of the show.

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